ICIAR — International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition
ICIAR – International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition aims to bring together researchers in the fields of
Image Processing
Image Analysis
Pattern Recognition
The conference provides a forum for the researchers to present and discuss recent advances in theory, methodologies and applications in the above fields. The scientific program includes invited talks by well expert speakers, panel discussion on current topics and fully refereed contributions. Special sessions are also organized for addressing promising applications in various fields.
Paper Submission
The authors of ICIAR series of conferences are invited to submit full papers showing original research contributions. The work should not have been presented or published or being considered for review or publication by other conferences or journals. The originality of all the papers will be checked using iThenticate software package.
The major topics of the conference include the following:
Processing and Analysis
Coding and compression
Indexing & Retrieval
Pattern Analysis & Recognition
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